What we have available now:
Check the photos below to know what we currently have for sale:
Our farm is located in the small town of Ramona, California (East San Diego County)
We raise, meat, eggs, milk and vegetables for our family.
About Us:
About 20 years ago, my sister bought a nice house with a little land out in the country. I had the idea to become more self-sufficient... and I bought some goats and chickens. Since then, I have added turkeys, ducks, pheasants, peacocks, geese, and a number of other birds in Aviaries. Plus, Rabbits, Dorper Sheep and Great Pyrenees Livestock Guardian Dogs.
I am constantly learning new homesteading skills, which means I plant a huge garden and take responsibility for processing the meat and poultry in the most humane way possible. Food from the homestead really does taste amazing.
What we may have:
Baby Goats - Mini Nubian and Alpine Dairy
Dorper Lambs
Blue Slate Turkey Poults
Muscovy Ducks and Ducklings
Chicks, Hens and Roosters (Barnyard Mix)​
Silver and Golden Pheasant
​Peacock Chicks
LGD - Great Pyrenees Puppies
Fresh Eggs
Seasonable Vegetables
Specialty Birds from the Aviary